Thursday, November 5, 2020


Baby lapar...
baby sakit kepala..
baby tak lalu makan..
its been two weeks baby tak boleh tido..
baby sunyi..
baby rindu syg..
bantal baby basah dgn airmata baby sendiri..
baby dah ikhtiar cari syg..
tapi baby tak jumpa..
baby sakit mcm ni..
baby sakit..

Are you in Paris? 
Sayang please..
Where are you, sayang..

Kalau dulu sayang boleh cari baby, knp skrg tak boleh?
knp hati sayang terlalu kental untuk lupakan baby..

Bodohnye baby..

Knp mcm ni..

Wednesday, November 4, 2020



Im crying.

im crying when im listening to the song that you sang for me many years ago.

i am now crying. 

you sang that song in front of your friends. in front of many people. next to me.

in front of the cigarette.

in front of the whisky.

Each and everyone of us were listening to your singing.

and they were looking at us, they were looking at me.

it was an embarrassing moment when i shed my tears, sitting next to you while listening to the song.

it was meaningful.

it was an advice from you. it was a wish from you, it was your pray for my future happiness.


who would have thought that that was actually our last meeting.

you should have told me earlier, sayang! that i was gonna lose you!

but i was so stupid to understand every single thing.

i was too naive.


again, im crying. this is how my heart speaks, because my own lips cant explain the pain i feel.

Every day and night, im smiling. if only people could look into my eyes, and know im breaking inside.


Why cant you take me back?

like 8 years ago?

i have been strong for too long. and baby hampir mati. im dying!

Come and meet me, sayang. 

Cari baby, please.

at least sebelum baby mati, atau sebelum sayang pergi..

sekali ni je sayang.. im begging you :(

